A collection of works by Andrea Cousineau Campbell
Pretty scary to think that you're reading this right now.

More than copy.
I grew up learning English and French simultaneously, so they often got tangled up in my mind.
I was a big daydreamer as a kid, something that hasn't changed. But back then, it got me in a lot of trouble since I was never paying attention. I would try to defend myself, and explain that I was simply "in the moon".
Only years later, did I learn that in English you say "in the clouds". I still often have my head in the clouds, but every once in a while I go visit the moon. It's usually where I get my best ideas.
My resume, ish.
There's always more to the story.
I grew up in Gatineau which I like to refer to as Ottawa's New Jersey. In Ottawa, it's believed that one must aspire to government work, and that 10PM is considered bedtime. Ottawa did instill in me though a firm belief that it's best to smile, and say good morning to strangers on the street, and that it's even better to pet their dogs.
Much of my professional life has been spent in customer service: from retail to restaurants, oh and that stint as a bank teller. Retail taught me how to talk to absolutely anybody, even if they don't want to talk to me. Restaurants gave me stamina and a work ethic that doesn't quit, or believe in breaks. That year as a bank teller showed me that filing is long and boring, so it's important to respect those that do it day in, day out. Throughout all the years, I learned that I'm resilient, tenacious, and I can work through pretty much any task.
Besides the stellar people skills, I'm comfortable with the Adobe Suite, with my strongest being Illustrator. I like to write copy (as I'm sure you can tell by now), but I also always have lots of ideas and opinions about pretty much anything, even if I don't know anything about it.
We've been told it's all about the second portfolio. so here's what twenty years of my second portfolio looks like. as a 90's baby, I blame michael flatley for swooning my mom into letting me take dance lessons.